Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why Use The Less Privilege To Achieve Their Aims?

By means of the hungry and insincere civil servants in various offices, these fruitless political leaders penetrates in and start their cause of frustrating the zealous and ever ready dedicated productive farmers of the state, who have the intention to mass produce for the generality of the populace in order to prove to the outside world that there is a government that is able to cater for its citizenry.

To ensure purity and sanity in the agricultural sector of the Nigeria economy, especially in my state (Edo state), we advice the government to install a very active anti virus, a type that cannot easily be corrupted, in the pinnacle of affairs in the various government establishments. This therefore will be regarded as the antivirus; to protect the good image of the government as these ones will not respect sentiment.

On this ground, all good government plans will be carried out. Most importantly, all programs will be checked. Yes! The political fathers using these people, the greedy and unreasonable fake farmers that allowed themselves to be used, and the insincere and ungrateful, long throat civil servant who open the masters door to the hardened criminals to come and destroy his masters wares, just for the bargain of a bottle of beer will o longer be there.

If this is done, Edo, being the highest producer of the green gold (cassava) will now be taking its proper place in the scheme of things

Friday, February 4, 2011

URBAN and RURAL agriculture needs attention

Edo state farmers needs care

Nigeria Farmers

We are flabbergasted to see ourselves being treated like a nobody in our mother's land. We want our brothers and sisters both at home and in diaspora to see to the hardship farmers in Nigeria are exposed to. Mostly Farmer in Edo State.
To show that the state government are intentionally punishing the serious minded tireless men in the bush, Mr s. Aziza Yuldasheva

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some pictures of the farmers protest in Edo state


After waiting for a very long time for the Edo state government to make positive change in the lives of farmers in the state, Edo state farmers went to the street of Benin to protest the inhumanity done to them by the various government that have been coming to power in the state.


From the perspective at which we are considering this term, a virus automatically mean the intention of some group of people to systematically, or cunningly creep into an organized setting and fully disguise as part of the program in order to dent all government good gesture towards that industry.

Maybe he/she was planted there by one political godfather or other to promote his earlier propaganda toward the government in power. These groups of people are not lively enough to operate independently. Hence, they need a group, a people, an organized destructive instrument to perpetrate their act.
The only material they were able to access becomes the hungry and insincere civil servant in office, they cause frustration to the zealous, ever ready dedicated productive farmers, who have the intention to mass produce for the generality of the populace in order to prove to the outside world that such government in power is able to cater for its citizenry.

To ensure purity and sanity in the agricultural sector of Nigeria economy for instance, especially in my state (Edo state). We advice the government to install a very active anti-virus into the system. The type that cannot easily be corrupted. It should be an antivirus that does not respect sentiment.

On this ground all unwanted nonsense will be well checked and treated appropriately. Then the political fathers using these people, the greedy unreasonable fake farmers they are using and the insincere and ungrateful, long throat civil servant who happen to be recognized here as the deadly virus, the un-trusted servant that open the masters door to the hardened criminals to come in and destroy his matter, just for the bargain of a bottle of beer.

If this is done, Edo, being the highest producer of the green gold (cassava) will now be taking its proper place in the scheme of things.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


If it was war, after the victory, all survivors do a major work of clean-up or complete rehabilitation.
 If it was quarrel, both parties’ shares love and continue to be friends again, after the reconciliation. But putting into consideration, what causes the quarrel.

If it was a request everyone involved in the request finds joy and happiness after the request has been granted.

Let’s considered it that all the various government responsible for assisting farmers now recognized the position and responsibilities of the farmers and agreed to support their positive interest. What will be the reaction of the farmers?

 (1) They will be very happy, so grateful to the government that spear-head their being vindicated
 (2) The farmers co-operative groups will use their position to reform the farming sector in order to be able to produce to fit, international specification.
 (3) Solid and recognized representation will be visible.
 (4) Food will now be sufficient for both local consumption and for export.
 (5) Employment rate will now be high because there will be room for employment in the sector which will be a kind of supporting the government to eradicating unemployment. Because the farming institute will now be a school, many people will want to go there as there is now lot of gains in the farming industry. Profession

Publishing this information is not to blackmail, indict or to oppress any one. Therefore if your name or a description that fit you appear in this website, please appreciate the fact that the writers innovation ideas about it is to make you part of the people that make it work. Therefore in any way you fit in (i.e. like a madman, thief, chief, director or cheat) be glad to be identified with the farmer. This willing acceptance of any part givens will only help to make word of our late obafemi Awolowo, which was spoken to King George in London in 1950 “not all that live in bush are bush men” come to reality. On this ground, let us join together to make farming business a honorable business. And to make open door for many which never believe that farming is for rich men.